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This site congregates many dispersed Taiwan ethnographic collections preserved in the famous European and American Museums. These overseas collections have been investigated and digitized through transnational cooperation. On the one hand, they are materials representing cross-cultural encounters between Taiwanese people and westerners. On the other hand, they are precious samples enhancing our knowledge on early material cultures of Taiwan. Through this bi-lingual web-based databank, we provide a channel to integrate and search for the scattered information of Taiwan ethnographic collections in the following overseas museums.


英國大英博物館 British Museum, UK (BM)


英國牛津大學皮特瑞佛斯博物館Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, UK (PRM)


英國劍橋大學人類學與考古學博物館Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Cambridge, UK (MAA)


加拿大皇家安大略博物館Royal Ontario Museum, CA (ROM)


美國自然史博物館America Museum of Natural History, US (AMNH)


美國密西根大學人類學博物館Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, US (UMMA)