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This site congregates many dispersed Taiwan ethnographic collections preserved in the famous European and American Museums. These overseas collections have been investigated and digitized through transnational cooperation. On the one hand, they are materials representing cross-cultural encounters between Taiwanese people and westerners. On the other hand, they are precious samples enhancing our knowledge on early material cultures of Taiwan. Through this bi-lingual web-based databank, we provide a channel to integrate and search for the scattered information of Taiwan ethnographic collections in the following overseas museums.
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大英博物館(British Museum)成立於1753年,是位於英國倫敦的知名綜合博物館。它是世界上規模最大、最重要的博物館之一;目前擁有超過700萬件的藏品,網羅來自世界各地重要的文化遺產。其中也包含採集自臺灣的民族學文物將近400件。
(1)克里斯帝藏品(Christy Collection): 這批收藏是19世紀末期大英博物館民族學部的法蘭克主任(A. W. Franks),運用當時著名業餘民族學收藏家與研究者克里斯帝(Henry Christy)死後捐贈經費成立的克里斯帝基金(Christy Foundation),採購而來的民族學標本。主要包括臺灣1850年代對外開港之後,首批來臺經商、傳教、探險的英國人所採集的臺灣文物約計40件。其中最負盛名者如首任英國駐台領事和自然史學者 Robert Swinhoe(史溫侯、斯文豪、郇和),於1860至1866年駐臺期間所採集植物纖維編製品,如竹籐編籃、草蓆、草葉扇等。另外,如1871至1917年期間在臺宣教的英國長老教會牧師William Campbell(甘為霖),他所採集的狗毛織花短衣、繡花腰帶、煙草袋、竹片口簧琴、玉扳指、錫製香爐等,也是現今難得見到的臺灣物質文化樣本。
(2)日英博覽會(White City Japan-British Exhibition)捐贈文物: 另一批臺灣文物的重要來源,則是1910年日本與英國在倫敦近郊共同舉辦的日英博覽會(Japan-British Exhibition)。這次博覽會是日本政府在海外舉辦規模最大的一次博覽會,除了宣揚日本的科技和文化進步之外,也將臺灣殖民地的統治成果當作展覽重點。因此,其中設置有「臺灣廳」,展示臺灣產業和文化特色文物,並設有一座居住有南排灣族人進行真人展演的「福爾摩沙土著村」。此次博覽會結束後,臺灣總督府將約210件展出的臺灣文物,捐贈給大英博物館,成為該館臺灣藏品最大量的來源。
(3)倫敦皇家植物園-邱園(Kew Botanical Gardens)移轉文物: 大英博物館的臺灣收藏,還有一批是1960年由倫敦皇家植物園-邱園(Kew Botanical Gardens)移轉過來的文物。這一批文物總計約有30件,主要是十九世紀中葉1860至1910年代期間,Robert Swinhoe、Thomas Watters、P. E. O’Brien Bulter、H. J. Elwes、W. R. Price和George Phillips 等人在台灣採集的植物纖維製品。原本這些文物收藏在倫敦皇家植物園,但1960年邱園(Kew Botanical Gardens)因庫房空間不足,將一批非植物標本性文物,移轉給幾個民族學博物館;大英博物館是其中主要的一間。
(4)個人採集者採集和捐贈文物: 主要是私人收藏零星捐贈給大英博物館的文物。來源多是過去曾到臺灣居住、工作或進行調查的西方人士,例如William Campbell、Elizabeth Keith、G. J. Gomme、D. L. McMullen、Martin Nettleship、以及William Buller Fagg等人所採集的文物,約90件。這些藏品採集年代較分散,從1870至1970之間都有。
The British Museum (BM), established in 1753 and located in London, England, is a museum of human history and culture. Its collections, which are among the largest and most comprehensive in the world as they originate from all continents, number more than 7 million objects. Of these, about 400 ethnological artifacts collected from Taiwan in its Asia Department.
Since 2007, Professor Chia-yu Hu from the Department of Anthropology of the National Taiwan University has been working with related departments in the British Museum on a project called “Information Exchange and Research on Taiwan Ethnological Collections.” This cooperative endeavor involves the research of important collections which are currently stored in the Ethnology Department of the British Museum. It primarily involves the documentation of the material and indigenous cultures of Taiwan during the mid-19th and early 20th centuries. With technological support from the Research Center for Digital Humanities of National Taiwan University, the research output is now available in digital format with search functions on an Internet-based platform. With this, the general public in Taiwan can access the Taiwanese collections in the British Museum, which vividly represent the vibrant Taiwanese cultural and historical heritage.
The Taiwan objects in BM were mainly collected through cross-cultural activities in earlier times and were brought back to England by Western diplomats, missionaries, explorers, businessmen, and researchers during the period from mid-19th century to the early 20th century. Furthermore, most of these belonged to the different tribes of the indigenous Taiwanese people. These objects not only represent the material life in Taiwan about a hundred years ago but also vividly reflect the dynamic interaction between Taiwanese and Western cultures at that time. According to preliminary analysis and research, the Taiwanese collections in the British Museum can be divided into four categories:
(1) Christy Collection There are 40 ethnological artifacts purchased through Christy Foundation by A. W. Franks, Director of the Ethnology Department of the British Museum in the late 19th century. This collection includes the objects collected by British explorers, businessmen, and missionaries who arrived in Taiwan around the 1850s to 1870s. Robert Swinhoe, the first British Consulate posted in Taiwan from 1860 to 1866, collected many woven crafts such as plaited baskets, straw mats, and grass fans. Meanwhile, William Campbell, a missionary from England who preached Presbyterianism in Taiwan from 1871 to 1917, collected a wide variety of specimens including dog-hair embroidered short upper garments, woven belts, tobacco pouches, a bamboo English trump, Jadeite archer thumb rings, a tin incense burner, and many other objects representing the rich material culture of Taiwan.
(2) White City Japan-British Exhibition Donation Another important source of the Taiwanese collections in the British Museum is the 1910 White City Japan-British Exhibition in suburban London. It was the largest overseas exhibition held by the Japanese government not only to promote Japanese technological and cultural advancement but also to display their colonization achievement in Taiwan. Therefore, they provided the “Taiwan Pavilion” to exhibit the industrial and cultural characteristics of Taiwan, and the “Formosa Native Village” where visitors could watch shows graced by the indigenous Taiwanese people. After the exhibition, a collection comprising about 210 objects was donated to the British Museum, which eventually became the core part of the Taiwanese collections in the British Museum.
(3) Collection transferred from Kew Botanical Gardens There is a collection of 30 Taiwanese objects transferred from Kew Botanical Gardens in 1960. These artifacts made of plant fibers were mainly collected by Robert Swinhoe, Thomas Watters, P. E. O’Brien Bulter, H. J. Elwes, W. K. Price, and George Phillips from 1860 to 1910. It belonged to the Kew Botanical Gardens until 1960 when the gardens’ storage space was no longer enough and when non-vegetable specimens were transferred to several ethnological museums including the British Museum.
(4) Donations from Individual Collectors More than 90 artifacts were collected and donated by individuals who had come to and lived in Taiwan for different reasons from 1870 to 1970, such as William Campbell, Elizabeth Keith, G. J. Gomme, D. L. McMullen, Martin Nettleship, and William Buller Fagg.
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牛津大學皮特瑞佛斯博物館,成立於1884年,是以人類學和考古學為主要特色的大學博物館。這一間博物館歷史悠久,在學術界與博物館界享有更大的盛名。目前藏品超過五十萬件,包括皮特瑞佛斯將軍(Pitt Rivers)捐贈的一萬五千多件考古學和民族學器物、庫克船長(Captain Cook)第二次太平洋航行時採集的大洋洲文物,以及美洲、澳洲、非洲、亞洲等文物。
該館的臺灣藏品,根據調查約有器物109件(其中約20件在常設展廳公開展出),影像56張。這些藏品採集或入藏的時間階段,大多是在1880年至1960年間。藏品來源主要包含幾個管道:(1)臺灣1850年代對外開港之後,首批來臺經商、傳教、研究、探險的英國人,如Harry C. Matheson、O'Brien P. E. Butler、William Robert Price等人所採集的臺灣文物標本;這些早期採集者的藏品,目前有不少分散典藏在大英博物館、牛津大學和劍橋大學三個博物館之中。(2)知名人類學者與皮特瑞佛斯博物館第一民族學研究員─Henry Balfour教授,不少他教過的學生從世界各地寄標本讓他收藏。(3)1910年日本與英國在倫敦共同舉辦的日英博覽會(Japan-British Exhibition),主要是明信片影像收藏。
The Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford was founded in 1884 when General Pitt Rivers, an influential figure in the development of archaeology and evolutionary anthropology, gave his collection of more than 18,000 objects to the University. Its collection is now over half a million, and many were donated by early British anthropologists and explorers.
Taiwan collections in Pitt-Rivers Museum include 109 artifacts and 56 photo images. Most of them were collected from 1880s to 1960s through several venues: (1) the earliest British officers, missionaries, and scholars after the opening of Taiwan ports in the 1850s, such as O'Brien PE Butler and William Robert Price, Part of these early collections are now scattered in the British Museum of Anthropology at Cambridge University as well as the Pitt-Rivers; (2) Professor Henry Balfour, the famous anthropologist and first curator of the Pitt-Rivers Museum, whose students went on to work abroad as ethnologists and colonial administrators and they sent objects back to Prof. Balfour from all corners of the globe; (3) PThe Japan-British Exhibition, which was co-organized by Japan and the United Kingdom in 1910 at White City in London.
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根據調查研究結果,該館的臺灣文物收藏共171件,其中台灣原住民各族器物約有148件,涵蓋泰雅、賽夏、阿美、布農、鄒、邵、排灣、雅美、平埔等族群文物;台灣漢人相關器物僅約23件筆。藏品類型中,以日常生活用具所佔比例最高,包括如容器、食器、武器、製作工具等共75件;服飾約37件、嗜好用品約47件、宗教儀式用品僅4件。主要採集者包括Mrs. Elise Williamina Giles, Ishii Singi (Ishii Shinji 石井真二), William Robert Price, 以及L.E.R Picken等人。
台灣相關影像收藏共87張(實際影像數量為57個,其中30張Edmund R. Leach拍攝的蘭嶼造船影像,分別在James Hornell和A. C Haddon藏品中各有一套),其中13張是台灣北部泰雅族、賽夏族和阿美族的早期照片或明信片;拍攝者包括James Davidson, Rautenfeld等人。35張與雅美有關的影像,主要是著名的人類學者Edmund R. Leach於1937年左右到蘭嶼時拍攝的造船過程照片。另外,還有1910年日英博覽會福爾摩沙土著村明信片6張。根據館藏記錄,這些台灣影像收藏,主要屬於「Haddon Collection」、「Clarke Collection」、和「Hornell Collection」藏品三個項目下。由於A.C. Haddon, David Clarke,以及 James Hornell三人都是二十世紀初期劍橋大學重要的人類學研究者,推測這些影像收藏可能與他們的世界文化資料收集和研究計畫有關連。
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at Cambridge University has world-class collections of Oceanic, Asian, African and native-American art-canoes, sculptures, masks, and textiles. There are more than 800,000 objects with outstanding research and historical value preserved in the museum. In addition, there are over 100,000 photo images in the Photographic Archive.
In total, 255 pieces of Taiwan materials are preserved in the museum, including 171 pieces of objects and 87 images. Most of them were collected from 1890s to 1910s. Among them, 148 artifacts are from the Atayal, Saisiyat, Amis, Yami, Bunun, Chou, Shao, Paiwan, Pingpu (Plain) indigenous groups. 23 objects are Han Chinese artifacts. They consist of 75 daily living equipments such as containers, tableware, weapons and productions tools 37 pieces of clothing; 47 piece of hobby supplies; and 4 ritual objects. Major collectors included Mrs. Elise Williamina Giles, Ishii Singi (Ishii Shinji), William Robert Price and L.E.R Picken.
The 87 Taiwan photo images include 6 postcard images of Japan-British Exhibition held in Shepard’s Bush, White City, London, in 1910. According to the original records, these images mainly were kept in "Haddon Collection", "Clarke Collection" and "Hornell Collection". As A.C. Haddon, David Clarke and James Hornell were three important early anthropologists at Cambridge University in the early twentieth century, suggesting that these images might be related to their world cultural collecting and research projects.
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皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum)位於加拿大多倫多市,是加拿大規模最大也最重要的綜合型博物館之一。該館設立於1912年設立,1914年對外開放。經過多次擴建和整合改組,現今該館主要分為「世界文化」與「自然史」二大部門,藏品數量總計超過600萬件。該館的臺灣相關民族學標本文物收藏,總計有500多件,其中1880年代馬偕牧師(Rev. George Leslie Mackay)在台灣採集的文物是最重要的一批藏品,約佔該館臺灣藏品的95%以上。
馬偕牧師是十九世紀後期,長老教會派到台灣北部傳教的第一位宣教師。他從1871年底抵達至1901年去世為止,在台將近三十年的時間,不但是最早在台灣北部地區傳教,也引入西方醫療機構和學校,是台灣歷史上具有很高聲譽和影響力的人。馬偕在佈教旅行途中也經常採集標本,並在淡水設立了臺灣第一間具有西方科學概念的小型博物館。馬偕採集的許多臺灣文物在1890年代被帶回加拿大,後來捐給多倫多市的Bronx College Museum(馬偕曾經就讀的神學院博物館)。1915年Bronx College整建遷移,將所有馬偕藏品捐贈給皇家安大略博物館(ROM)。
The Royal Ontario Museum was formally created by the signing of the ROM Act in the Ontario Legislature in 1912, opened to the public in 1914. Numbering almost six million diverse collections of world cultures and natural history make the ROM one of the largest museums in North America. There are more than 500 pieces of Taiwan ethnology collections in ROM, which are mainly collected by Rev. George Leslie Mackay in 1880s.
Rev. George Leslie Mackay was the very first missionary who came to Taiwan and stationed in Tamshui at the northern coast in the late 19th century. He arrived in Taiwan in 1871 and had stayed until his death in 1901. For over 30 years, he had travelled to many places around northern part of Taiwan and collected many material specimens from indigenous villages. Many of his collections were later transferred to Canada and preserved in the Bronx College Museum in 1890s. In 1915, the Mackay collections in the Bronx College Museum were donated to the Royal Ontario Museum.
Nowadays, there are about 524 pieces of Mackay collections preserved in the Royal Ontario Museum, including 88 pieces in Division of Anthropology, 123 pieces in Division of textile, 93 pieces in Division of Far Eastern and 7 pieces in Division of Mammal. Among them, the most special collections are the bridal wedding dresses from northern Pingpu group (or Ketagalan or Kavalan ), such as glass beaded skirts, belts, and jackets, carnelian headdress and necklaces and so on.
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美國自然史博物館(AMNH),位於紐約市中心區曼哈頓中西區的中央公園西側,設立於1869年,是美國歷史最悠久、規模最大、收藏最廣泛,而且研究成果最豐富的自然史博物館之一。該館總計包含有14個研究部門,包括人類學、脊椎動物、植物、星象、天文物理等不同學科專業部門。過去經由該館資助而進行的研究調查工作和田野發掘計畫超過2000多個。該館的人類學部門,在美國人類學收藏研究發展史上,佔有相當重要的地位。美國早期的幾位重要人類學者,如鮑亞士(Franz Boas)、瑪格利特‧米德(Margret Mead)等人都曾經擔任該館的專任研究員。該館總計藏品超過320萬件,人類學相關藏品共有約50萬件;其中臺灣民族學相關藏品,主要保存於亞洲組。
目前人類學部亞洲組的藏品約有5萬件,經過調查,確認該館的臺灣相關藏品共有528件,藏品來源主要透過21筆不同管道。入藏時間主要是從1870年至1970年間,而且約有460件是在1960年代以前取得。藏品主要來源包括1869年的李仙得(Le Gendre)藏品、1947年的淺井惠倫(Erin Asai)藏品、1953年的威爾斯福爾摩沙探險隊(Wells Formosa Expedition)藏品、1917年的丁恩探險隊(Bashford Dean Expedition)藏品、1954年的Michael D. Coe藏品、1956和1959年的鮑克蘭(Inez De Beauclair)藏品、1959年的Wilhelm G. Solheim藏品、1960年Robert Bruce White藏品、1973年美國自然史博物館賣店的藏品,以及零星個人捐贈者如Roy Andrews、Abraham Hatfield、Morton Fried、Edward R. Fitzsimmons、John Snethlage、Helen Cushman和Roswell Skeel等人物品。
The American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s preeminent scientific and cultural institutions. Since its founding in 1869, the Museum has advanced its global mission to discover, interpret, and disseminate information about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe through a wide-ranging program of scientific research, education, and exhibition. The museum preserves over 320 million objects in total, among which 500,000 objects have been acquired by the Division of Anthropology to represent peoples of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific Islands.
There are 50,000 objects from Asia in the Division of Anthropology Collection, while a total of 528 objects are identified as Taiwan collections. These Taiwan collections were acquired from 1870s to 1970s through 21 different venues, such as Le Gendre collection in 1869, Bashford Dean Expedition in 1917, Erin Asai collection in 1947, Wells Formosa Expedition in 1953, M. Coe Collection in 1954, De Beauclair collection in 1956 and 1959, Solheim collection in 1959, Robert Bruce White collection in 1960, etc.
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密西根大學人類學博物館(UMMA),位於美國密西根州安那堡的密西根大學中央校區內,是具有悠久歷史的知名大學博物館。它的緣起可以追溯至1837年密西根大學遷至安那堡時設立的第一間大學博物館;當時在州政府立法授權該校在校園內設立一間自然史陳列室( “Cabinet of Natural History” ),以研究自然史為目標。後續隨著人類學藏品的快速增長,1922年人類學博物館正式成立為一間獨立的博物館。1928年,博物館遷移至目前博物館的所在位置──魯司凡博物館建築(Ruthven Museum Building);現今該建築內包含五間行政各自獨立的博物館:人類學博物館、地質學博物館、植物學博物館、動物學博物館,以及一間魯司凡展示博物館(Ruthven Exhibit Museum)。
目前密西根大學人類學博物館,是以考古學研究和教學為核心,藏品類型包含考古學和民族學二大類。民族學藏品包含約13,600件來自世界各地不同文化和區域的文物和藝術品,其中臺灣相關藏品約有80件。這些臺灣民族學相關藏品,主要是19世紀中葉Joseph Beal Steere 在五年探險計畫旅行中,1873年至1874年間,至臺灣調查旅行時採集的漢人、邵、巴則海、西拉雅、賽德克等不同文化群的食具、工具、煙斗、服飾和宗教用品等文物,以及相當珍貴的西拉雅新港社番語古文書21件。從博物館紀錄可知,當時Steere從亞洲運回大學自然史博物館的臺灣藏品約有65件。另外,還有15件臺灣文物,是由Harley Harris Bartlett和Fletcher Gardner在1960和70年代捐贈給博物館。
The history of the Museum of Anthropology at University of Michigan can be traced back to 1837-- the relocation of the University of Michigan to Ann Arbor and the creation of its first University Museum. The Anthropology Museum was formally established in 1922, and moved to its home in the Ruthven Building in 1928. With more than 13,600 items, the Ethnology division curates cultural objects from around the world, including basketry, pottery, masks, textiles, weapons, personal adornment, and traditional implements.
There are 80 pieces of Taiwan objects preserved in UMMA, mainly collected by Joseph Beal Steere in his five-year expedition project to South America and Asia. J. B. Steere traveled around the west coast of Taiwan from 1873 to 1874 and collected eating utensils, tools, pipes, clothing, religious supplies and other artifacts from Han Chinese, Shao, Pazeh, Siraya, Sediq and other ethnic groups. The most precious artifacts are the 21 pieces ancient instruments of Siraya Xingang tribe. According to the museum record, we can understand that 65 among the 80 artifacts were shipped back to UMMA from Asia by Steere himself in 1874, and the other 15 artifacts were donated by Harley Harris Bartlett and Fletcher Gardner in 1960s and 1970s.
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