在工作屋內製作拼板船的蘭嶼雅美男子(黑白照片) / Yami people with their boats
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船船員坐板(黑白照片) / Seat of Botel Tobago Boat
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船內部結構(黑白照片) / Boat construction of Botel-Tobago Island
出航中的雅美拼板船與船上九名船員(黑白照片) / 9 Yami Crewmen with Their Boat
出海中的兩人小船與岸邊雅美男子(黑白照片) / Yami people with their boat
(黑白照片) / Boat of Botel Tobago
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船船頭(黑白照片) / The Bow of Botel TbagoBoat
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船的槳座(黑白照片) / Block Paddle of Botel Tobago Boat
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船(黑白照片) / Boat construction in Botel Tobago
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船內部(黑白照片) / Boat construction in Botel Tobago