紅玉髓或瑪瑙珠串項鍊 / Necklace of Stringed Carnelian Beads
陶偶 / Seated Figure Ceramics
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船(黑白照片) / Boat construction in Botel Tobago
環繞在雕花羽飾拼板船旁的雅美男子與小孩(黑白照片) / Yami people with their boats
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船與船邊嬉戲兒童(黑白照片) / Yami children with their boats
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船外側美麗的人形、波浪、和同心圓太陽紋飾(黑白照片) / Carving on Botol-Tobago Boat
蘭嶼海岸邊船屋內的雅美拼板船(黑白照片) / Boats in Botel Tobago Island
製作船槳的蘭嶼雅美男子(黑白照片) / Yami man makes a paddle
蘭嶼海岸邊雅美拼板船和群聚的雅美男女(黑白照片) / Yami people with their boats